Edgewall Software

Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of NameSuggestions

Aug 26, 2006, 2:30:03 PM (18 years ago)

discuss pymarkup and improve the logos


  • NameSuggestions

    v8 v9  
    2323> hits so far...).
    25 In response to Christian Boos:
    26 > Response by [http://www.cmlenz.net/ Christopher Lenz]:
    27 >> I'm not a fan of such prefixed names (!WinFoo, KFoo, GFoo, iFoo, etc).   
    28 >> IMHO those fall in the "cheesy" category ;-)
    29 >> Exceptions are bindings or Python versions of some product, but   
    30 >> otherwise I think it's rather ugly.
    31 > Yes, ''pySomething'' usually stands for the Python bindings for that ''Something''.
    32 > In the context of Markup, it was more meant to be reminiscent of the `py:` prefix we use everywhere in our templates.
    33 > So maybe... py:markup? Additionally, this goes well with the encapsulation in <...> illustrated in the logo.
    35 See the comment I added at the top of the page about constraints on the project name. I actually like `py:markup`, but don't see how that would work as a name.
     26>>> I'm not a fan of such prefixed names (!WinFoo, KFoo, GFoo, iFoo, etc).   
     27>>> IMHO those fall in the "cheesy" category ;-)
     28>>> Exceptions are bindings or Python versions of some product, but   
     29>>> otherwise I think it's rather ugly.
     30>>> [[br]] - [http://www.cmlenz.net/ Christopher Lenz]
     31>> Yes, ''pySomething'' usually stands for the Python bindings for that ''Something''.
     32>> In the context of Markup, it was more meant to be reminiscent of the `py:` prefix we use everywhere in our templates.
     33>> So maybe... py:markup? Additionally, this goes well with the encapsulation in <...> illustrated in the logo.
     34>> [[br]] - cboos
     35> See the comment I added at the top of the page about constraints on the project name. I actually like `py:markup`, but don't see how that would work as a name.
     36> [[br]] - cmlenz
     37Ok, then I stand for '''''pymarkup''''' for the project name ''and'' the package name; only the logo would be slightly different (''`<py:markup!>`'' but see below for a nicer rendering). Note that this slight difference already exists for the current logo/name (''`<markup/>`'' vs. Markup).
     38[[br]] - cboos
    3740== “Markhor” ==
    6366> "python papyrus" turns up nothing relevant. So my suggestion
    6467> is - grab the name while you can :)
     68> [[br]] ~talin
     69... except for the fact that this name is not already used, what would be the connection?
     70[[br]] - cboos
    6975I like the current logo, however I thought about a small twist that would make it look even better: use a "!" instead of "/". That makes it more "dynamic".
    71 HTML prototype: [[html(<em><span style="color: #888">&lt;</span>markup<span style="color: #b33">!</span><span style="color: #888">&gt;</span></em>)]]
     77HTML prototype: [[html(<em style="font-family: impact; font-size: 24pt"><span style="color: #888">&lt;</span>markup<span style="color: #b33">!</span><span style="color: #888">&gt;</span></em>)]]
    7379The "!" could even be interpreted as: "yeah, the name is ''markup''! despite all what people are saying about its googlability and other neologisms..." ;)
    75 HTML prototype for py:markup: [[html(<em><span style="color: #888">&lt;</span><span style="color: #b33">py</span><span style="color: #888">:</span>markup<span style="color: #b33">!</span><span style="color: #888">&gt;</span></em>)]]
     81HTML prototype for py:markup: [[html(<em style="font-family: impact; font-size: 24pt"><span style="color: #888">&lt;</span><span style="color: #b33">py</span><span style="color: #888">:</span>markup<span style="color: #b33">!</span><span style="color: #888">&gt;</span></em>)]]