= Google App Engine = See http://code.google.com/appengine/ App Engine provides hosting of Python applications in a restricted environment. Currently Genshi does not work in this environment, because it depends on the `parser` module and some other things which are not available. Work has started on providing a version of Genshi that works on App Engine on the [source:branches/experimental/appengine/] branch. However, even when completed, this version is somewhat limited (or at least different), with the following features not available: * Proper error reporting on errors in template expressions and code blocks. * Interchangeable use of `foo.bar` and `foo['bar']` in template expressions. * Assignment to nested tuples in `py:for` and `py:with` * Automatic decoding of non-ASCII string literals in template expressions. It's not yet clear whether it'll be possible to fold the necessary changes into the main version of Genshi.