Edgewall Software

Version 1 (modified by cmlenz, 17 years ago) (diff)

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A filter for functional-style transformations of markup streams.

The Transformer filter provides a variety of transformations that can be applied to parts of streams that match given XPath expressions. These transformations can be chained to achieve results that would be comparitively tedious to achieve by writing stream filters by hand. The approach of chaining node selection and transformation has been inspired by the jQuery Javascript library.

For example, the following transformation removes the <title> element from the <head> of the input document:

>>> from genshi.builder import tag
>>> html = HTML('''<html>
...  <head><title>Some Title</title></head>
...  <body>
...    Some <em>body</em> text.
...  </body>
... </html>''',
... encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(html | Transformer('body/em').map(unicode.upper, TEXT)
...                                    .unwrap().wrap(tag.u))
  <head><title>Some Title</title></head>
    Some <u>BODY</u> text.

The Transformer support a large number of useful transformations out of the box, but custom transformations can be added easily.

since:version 0.5


A mark on a transformation stream.


Allows a single event to be pushed back onto the stream and re-consumed.

push(self, event)

(Not documented)


Stream filter that can apply a variety of different transformations to a stream.

This is achieved by selecting the events to be transformed using XPath, then applying the transformations to the events matched by the path expression. Each marked event is in the form (mark, (kind, data, pos)), where mark can be any of ENTER, INSIDE, EXIT, OUTSIDE, or None.

The first three marks match START and END events, and any events contained INSIDE any selected XML/HTML element. A non-element match outside a START/END container (e.g. text()) will yield an OUTSIDE mark.

>>> html = HTML('<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head>'
...             '<body>Some <em>body</em> text.</body></html>',
...             encoding='utf-8')

Transformations act on selected stream events matching an XPath expression. Here's an example of removing some markup (the title, in this case) selected by an expression:

>>> print(html | Transformer('head/title').remove())
<html><head/><body>Some <em>body</em> text.</body></html>

Inserted content can be passed in the form of a string, or a markup event stream, which includes streams generated programmatically via the builder module:

>>> from genshi.builder import tag
>>> print(html | Transformer('body').prepend(tag.h1('Document Title')))
<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head><body><h1>Document
Title</h1>Some <em>body</em> text.</body></html>

Each XPath expression determines the set of tags that will be acted upon by subsequent transformations. In this example we select the <title> text, copy it into a buffer, then select the <body> element and paste the copied text into the body as <h1> enclosed text:

>>> buffer = StreamBuffer()
>>> print(html | Transformer('head/title/text()').copy(buffer)
...     .end().select('body').prepend(tag.h1(buffer)))
<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head><body><h1>Some Title</h1>Some
<em>body</em> text.</body></html>

Transformations can also be assigned and reused, although care must be taken when using buffers, to ensure that buffers are cleared between transforms:

>>> emphasis = Transformer('body//em').attr('class', 'emphasis')
>>> print(html | emphasis)
<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head><body>Some <em
class="emphasis">body</em> text.</body></html>

apply(self, function)

Apply a transformation to the stream.

Transformations can be chained, similar to stream filters. Any callable accepting a marked stream can be used as a transform.

As an example, here is a simple TEXT event upper-casing transform:

>>> def upper(stream):
...     for mark, (kind, data, pos) in stream:
...         if mark and kind is TEXT:
...             yield mark, (kind, data.upper(), pos)
...         else:
...             yield mark, (kind, data, pos)
>>> short_stream = HTML('<body>Some <em>test</em> text</body>',
...                      encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(short_stream | Transformer('.//em/text()').apply(upper))
<body>Some <em>TEST</em> text</body>

select(self, path)

Mark events matching the given XPath expression, within the current selection.

>>> html = HTML('<body>Some <em>test</em> text</body>', encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(html | Transformer().select('.//em').trace())
(None, ('START', (QName('body'), Attrs()), (None, 1, 0)))
(None, ('TEXT', u'Some ', (None, 1, 6)))
('ENTER', ('START', (QName('em'), Attrs()), (None, 1, 11)))
('INSIDE', ('TEXT', u'test', (None, 1, 15)))
('EXIT', ('END', QName('em'), (None, 1, 19)))
(None, ('TEXT', u' text', (None, 1, 24)))
(None, ('END', QName('body'), (None, 1, 29)))
<body>Some <em>test</em> text</body>
param path:an XPath expression (as string) or a Path instance
return:the stream augmented by transformation marks


Invert selection so that marked events become unmarked, and vice versa.

Specificaly, all marks are converted to null marks, and all null marks are converted to OUTSIDE marks.

>>> html = HTML('<body>Some <em>test</em> text</body>', encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(html | Transformer('//em').invert().trace())
('OUTSIDE', ('START', (QName('body'), Attrs()), (None, 1, 0)))
('OUTSIDE', ('TEXT', u'Some ', (None, 1, 6)))
(None, ('START', (QName('em'), Attrs()), (None, 1, 11)))
(None, ('TEXT', u'test', (None, 1, 15)))
(None, ('END', QName('em'), (None, 1, 19)))
('OUTSIDE', ('TEXT', u' text', (None, 1, 24)))
('OUTSIDE', ('END', QName('body'), (None, 1, 29)))
<body>Some <em>test</em> text</body>


End current selection, allowing all events to be selected.


>>> html = HTML('<body>Some <em>test</em> text</body>', encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(html | Transformer('//em').end().trace())
('OUTSIDE', ('START', (QName('body'), Attrs()), (None, 1, 0)))
('OUTSIDE', ('TEXT', u'Some ', (None, 1, 6)))
('OUTSIDE', ('START', (QName('em'), Attrs()), (None, 1, 11)))
('OUTSIDE', ('TEXT', u'test', (None, 1, 15)))
('OUTSIDE', ('END', QName('em'), (None, 1, 19)))
('OUTSIDE', ('TEXT', u' text', (None, 1, 24)))
('OUTSIDE', ('END', QName('body'), (None, 1, 29)))
<body>Some <em>test</em> text</body>
return:the stream augmented by transformation marks


Empty selected elements of all content.


>>> html = HTML('<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head>'
...             '<body>Some <em>body</em> text.</body></html>',
...             encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(html | Transformer('.//em').empty())
<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head><body>Some <em/>


Remove selection from the stream.


>>> html = HTML('<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head>'
...             '<body>Some <em>body</em> text.</body></html>',
...             encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(html | Transformer('.//em').remove())
<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head><body>Some


Remove outermost enclosing elements from selection.


>>> html = HTML('<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head>'
...             '<body>Some <em>body</em> text.</body></html>',
...             encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(html | Transformer('.//em').unwrap())
<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head><body>Some body

wrap(self, element)

Wrap selection in an element.

>>> html = HTML('<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head>'
...             '<body>Some <em>body</em> text.</body></html>',
...             encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(html | Transformer('.//em').wrap('strong'))
<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head><body>Some
<strong><em>body</em></strong> text.</body></html>
param element:either a tag name (as string) or an Element object

replace(self, content)

Replace selection with content.

>>> html = HTML('<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head>'
...             '<body>Some <em>body</em> text.</body></html>',
...             encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(html | Transformer('.//title/text()').replace('New Title'))
<html><head><title>New Title</title></head><body>Some <em>body</em>
param content:Either a callable, an iterable of events, or a string to insert.

before(self, content)

Insert content before selection.

In this example we insert the word 'emphasised' before the <em> opening tag:

>>> html = HTML('<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head>'
...             '<body>Some <em>body</em> text.</body></html>',
...             encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(html | Transformer('.//em').before('emphasised '))
<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head><body>Some emphasised
<em>body</em> text.</body></html>
param content:Either a callable, an iterable of events, or a string to insert.

after(self, content)

Insert content after selection.

Here, we insert some text after the </em> closing tag:

>>> html = HTML('<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head>'
...             '<body>Some <em>body</em> text.</body></html>',
...             encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(html | Transformer('.//em').after(' rock'))
<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head><body>Some <em>body</em>
rock text.</body></html>
param content:Either a callable, an iterable of events, or a string to insert.

prepend(self, content)

Insert content after the ENTER event of the selection.

Inserting some new text at the start of the <body>:

>>> html = HTML('<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head>'
...             '<body>Some <em>body</em> text.</body></html>',
...             encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(html | Transformer('.//body').prepend('Some new body text. '))
<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head><body>Some new body text.
Some <em>body</em> text.</body></html>
param content:Either a callable, an iterable of events, or a string to insert.

append(self, content)

Insert content before the END event of the selection.

>>> html = HTML('<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head>'
...             '<body>Some <em>body</em> text.</body></html>',
...             encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(html | Transformer('.//body').append(' Some new body text.'))
<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head><body>Some <em>body</em>
text. Some new body text.</body></html>
param content:Either a callable, an iterable of events, or a string to insert.

attr(self, name, value)

Add, replace or delete an attribute on selected elements.

If value evaulates to None the attribute will be deleted from the element:

>>> html = HTML('<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head>'
...             '<body>Some <em class="before">body</em> <em>text</em>.</body>'
...             '</html>', encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(html | Transformer('body/em').attr('class', None))
<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head><body>Some <em>body</em>

Otherwise the attribute will be set to value:

>>> print(html | Transformer('body/em').attr('class', 'emphasis'))
<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head><body>Some <em
class="emphasis">body</em> <em class="emphasis">text</em>.</body></html>

If value is a callable it will be called with the attribute name and the START event for the matching element. Its return value will then be used to set the attribute:

>>> def print_attr(name, event):
...     attrs = event[1][1]
...     print(attrs)
...     return attrs.get(name)
>>> print(html | Transformer('body/em').attr('class', print_attr))
Attrs([(QName('class'), u'before')])
<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head><body>Some <em
class="before">body</em> <em>text</em>.</body></html>
param name:the name of the attribute
param value:the value that should be set for the attribute.

copy(self, buffer, accumulate=False)

Copy selection into buffer.

The buffer is replaced by each contiguous selection before being passed to the next transformation. If accumulate=True, further selections will be appended to the buffer rather than replacing it.

>>> from genshi.builder import tag
>>> buffer = StreamBuffer()
>>> html = HTML('<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head>'
...             '<body>Some <em>body</em> text.</body></html>',
...             encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(html | Transformer('head/title/text()').copy(buffer)
...     .end().select('body').prepend(tag.h1(buffer)))
<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head><body><h1>Some
Title</h1>Some <em>body</em> text.</body></html>

This example illustrates that only a single contiguous selection will be buffered:

>>> print(html | Transformer('head/title/text()').copy(buffer)
...     .end().select('body/em').copy(buffer).end().select('body')
...     .prepend(tag.h1(buffer)))
<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head><body><h1>Some
Title</h1>Some <em>body</em> text.</body></html>
>>> print(buffer)

Element attributes can also be copied for later use:

>>> html = HTML('<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head>'
...             '<body><em>Some</em> <em class="before">body</em>'
...             '<em>text</em>.</body></html>',
...             encoding='utf-8')
>>> buffer = StreamBuffer()
>>> def apply_attr(name, entry):
...     return list(buffer)[0][1][1].get('class')
>>> print(html | Transformer('body/em[@class]/@class').copy(buffer)
...     .end().buffer().select('body/em[not(@class)]')
...     .attr('class', apply_attr))
<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head><body><em
class="before">Some</em> <em class="before">body</em><em
param buffer:the StreamBuffer in which the selection should be stored
note:Copy (and cut) copy each individual selected object into the buffer before passing to the next transform. For example, the XPath *|text() will select all elements and text, each instance of which will be copied to the buffer individually before passing to the next transform. This has implications for how StreamBuffer objects can be used, so some experimentation may be required.

cut(self, buffer, accumulate=False)

Copy selection into buffer and remove the selection from the stream.

>>> from genshi.builder import tag
>>> buffer = StreamBuffer()
>>> html = HTML('<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head>'
...             '<body>Some <em>body</em> text.</body></html>',
...             encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(html | Transformer('.//em/text()').cut(buffer)
...     .end().select('.//em').after(tag.h1(buffer)))
<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head><body>Some
<em/><h1>body</h1> text.</body></html>

Specifying accumulate=True, appends all selected intervals onto the buffer. Combining this with the .buffer() operation allows us operate on all copied events rather than per-segment. See the documentation on buffer() for more information.

param buffer:the StreamBuffer in which the selection should be stored
note:this transformation will buffer the entire input stream


Buffer the entire stream (can consume a considerable amount of memory).

Useful in conjunction with copy(accumulate=True) and cut(accumulate=True) to ensure that all marked events in the entire stream are copied to the buffer before further transformations are applied.

For example, to move all <note> elements inside a <notes> tag at the top of the document:

>>> doc = HTML('<doc><notes></notes><body>Some <note>one</note> '
...            'text <note>two</note>.</body></doc>',
...             encoding='utf-8')
>>> buffer = StreamBuffer()
>>> print(doc | Transformer('body/note').cut(buffer, accumulate=True)
...     .end().buffer().select('notes').prepend(buffer))
<doc><notes><note>one</note><note>two</note></notes><body>Some  text

filter(self, filter)

Apply a normal stream filter to the selection. The filter is called once for each contiguous block of marked events.

>>> from genshi.filters.html import HTMLSanitizer
>>> html = HTML('<html><body>Some text<script>alert(document.cookie)'
...             '</script> and some more text</body></html>',
...             encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(html | Transformer('body/*').filter(HTMLSanitizer()))
<html><body>Some text and some more text</body></html>
param filter:The stream filter to apply.

map(self, function, kind)

Applies a function to the data element of events of kind in the selection.

>>> html = HTML('<html><head><title>Some Title</title></head>'
...               '<body>Some <em>body</em> text.</body></html>',
...             encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(html | Transformer('head/title').map(unicode.upper, TEXT))
<html><head><title>SOME TITLE</title></head><body>Some <em>body</em>
param function:the function to apply
param kind:the kind of event the function should be applied to

substitute(self, pattern, replace, count=1)

Replace text matching a regular expression.

Refer to the documentation for re.sub() for details.

>>> html = HTML('<html><body>Some text, some more text and '
...             '<b>some bold text</b>\n'
...             '<i>some italicised text</i></body></html>',
...             encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(html | Transformer('body/b').substitute('(?i)some', 'SOME'))
<html><body>Some text, some more text and <b>SOME bold text</b>
<i>some italicised text</i></body></html>
>>> tags = tag.html(tag.body('Some text, some more text and\n',
...      Markup('<b>some bold text</b>')))
>>> print(tags.generate() | Transformer('body').substitute(
...     '(?i)some', 'SOME'))
<html><body>SOME text, some more text and
<b>SOME bold text</b></body></html>
param pattern:A regular expression object or string.
param replace:Replacement pattern.
param count:Number of replacements to make in each text fragment.

rename(self, name)

Rename matching elements.

>>> html = HTML('<html><body>Some text, some more text and '
...             '<b>some bold text</b></body></html>',
...             encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(html | Transformer('body/b').rename('strong'))
<html><body>Some text, some more text and <strong>some bold text</strong></body></html>

trace(self, prefix='', fileobj=None)

Print events as they pass through the transform.

>>> html = HTML('<body>Some <em>test</em> text</body>', encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(html | Transformer('em').trace())
(None, ('START', (QName('body'), Attrs()), (None, 1, 0)))
(None, ('TEXT', u'Some ', (None, 1, 6)))
('ENTER', ('START', (QName('em'), Attrs()), (None, 1, 11)))
('INSIDE', ('TEXT', u'test', (None, 1, 15)))
('EXIT', ('END', QName('em'), (None, 1, 19)))
(None, ('TEXT', u' text', (None, 1, 24)))
(None, ('END', QName('body'), (None, 1, 29)))
<body>Some <em>test</em> text</body>
param prefix:a string to prefix each event with in the output
param fileobj:the writable file-like object to write to; defaults to the standard output stream


Select and mark events that match an XPath expression.


Invert selection so that marked events become unmarked, and vice versa.

Specificaly, all input marks are converted to null marks, and all input null marks are converted to OUTSIDE marks.


End the current selection.


Empty selected elements of all content.


Remove selection from the stream.


Remove outtermost enclosing elements from selection.


Wrap selection in an element.


Print events as they pass through the transform.


Apply a normal stream filter to the selection. The filter is called once for each selection.


Apply a function to the data element of events of kind in the selection.


Replace text matching a regular expression.

Refer to the documentation for re.sub() for details.


Rename matching elements.


Abstract base class for transformations that inject content into a stream.

>>> class Top(InjectorTransformation):
...     def __call__(self, stream):
...         for event in self._inject():
...             yield event
...         for event in stream:
...             yield event
>>> html = HTML('<body>Some <em>test</em> text</body>', encoding='utf-8')
>>> print(html | Transformer('.//em').apply(Top('Prefix ')))
Prefix <body>Some <em>test</em> text</body>


Replace selection with content.


Insert content before selection.


Insert content after selection.


Prepend content to the inside of selected elements.


Append content after the content of selected elements.


Set an attribute on selected elements.


Stream event buffer used for cut and copy transformations.

append(self, event)

Add an event to the buffer.

param event:the markup event to add


Empty the buffer of events.


Copy selected events into a buffer for later insertion.


Cut selected events into a buffer for later insertion and remove the selection.

See ApiDocs, Documentation