= Using XPath in Markup = Markup provides basic [http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath XPath] support for matching and querying event streams. == Limitations == Due to the streaming nature of the processing model, Markup uses only a subset of the [http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath XPath 1.0] language. In particular, only the following axes are supported: * `attribute` * `child` * `descendant` * `descendant-or-self` * `self` This means you can't use the `parent`, ancestor, or sibling axes in Markup (the `namespace` axis isn't supported either, but what you'd ever need that for I don't know). Basically, any path expression that would require buffering of the stream is not supported. Predicates are of course supported, but Path expressions ''inside'' predicates are restricted to attribute lookups (again due to the lack of buffering). Most of the XPath functions and operators are supported, however they (currently) only work inside predicates. The following functions are '''not''' supported: * `count()` * `id()` * `lang()` * `last()` * `position()` * `string()` * `sum()` The mathematical operators (`+`, `-`, `*`, `div`, and `mod`) are not yet supported, whereas the various comparison and logical operators should work as expected. You can also use XPath variable references (`$var`) inside predicates. == Querying Streams == {{{ #!python from markup.input import XML doc = XML(''' Foo Bar ''') print doc.select('items/item[@status="closed"]/summary/text()') }}} This would result in the following output: {{{ #!xml Bar }}} == Matching in Templates == See MarkupTemplates#py:match ---- See also: MarkupGuide, MarkupStream