= Genshi Tutorial = This tutorial is intended to give an introduction on how to use Genshi in your web application, and present common patterns and best practices. It is aimed at developers new to Genshi as well as those who've already used Genshi, but are looking for advice or inspiration on how to improve that usage. [[PageOutline(2-3, Content, inline)]] == Introduction == In this tutorial we'll create a simple Python web application based on [http://cherrpy.org/ CherryPy 3]. !CherryPy was chosen because it provides a convenient level of abstraction over raw CGI or [http://wsgi.org/wsgi WSGI] development, but is less ambitious than full-stack web frameworks such as [http://pylonshq.com/ Pylons] or [http://www.djangoproject.com/ Django], which tend to come with a preferred templating language, and often show significant bias towards that language. The application is a stripped-down version of sites such as [http://reddit.com/ reddit] or [http://digg.com/ digg]: it lets users submit links to online articles they find interesting, and then lets other users vote on those stories and post comments. The project is kept as simple as possible, while still showing many of Genshi features and how to best use them: * For persistence, we'll use native Python object serialization (via the `pickle` module), instead of an SQL database and an ORM. * There's no authentication of any kind. Anyone can submit links, anyone can comment. == Prerequisites == First, make sure you have !CherryPy 3.0.x installed, as well as recent versions of [http://formencode.org/ FormEncode], Genshi (obviously), and [http://pythonpaste.org/ Paste]. You can download and install those manually, or just use [http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall easy_install]: {{{ $ easy_install CherryPy $ easy_install FormEncode $ easy_install Genshi $ easy_install Paste }}} == Getting Started == Next, set up the basic !CherryPy application. Create a directory that should contain the application, and inside that directory create a Python package named `geddit` (basically a `geddit` directory containing an empty file called `__init__.py`. Inside that package, create a file called `controller.py` with the following content: {{{ #!python #!/usr/bin/env python import os import pickle import sys import cherrypy from paste.evalexception.middleware import EvalException class Root(object): def __init__(self, data): self.data = data @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return 'Geddit' def main(filename): # load data from the pickle file, or initialize it to an empty list if os.path.exists(filename): fileobj = open(filename, 'rb') try: data = pickle.load(fileobj) finally: fileobj.close() else: data = [] # save data back to the pickle file when the server is stopped def _save_data(): fileobj = open(filename, 'wb') try: pickle.dump(data, fileobj) finally: fileobj.close() cherrypy.engine.on_stop_engine_list.append(_save_data) # Some global configuration; note that this could be moved into a configuration file cherrypy.config.update({ 'request.throw_errors': True, 'tools.encode.on': True, 'tools.decode.on': True, 'tools.trailing_slash.on': True, 'tools.staticdir.root': os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), }) # Initialize the application, and add EvalException for more helpful error messages app = cherrypy.Application(Root(data)) app.wsgiapp.pipeline.append(('paste_exc', EvalException)) cherrypy.quickstart(app, '/', { '/media': { 'tools.staticdir.on': True, 'tools.staticdir.dir': 'static' } }) if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1]) }}} Make that file executable, enter the tutorial directory in the terminal, and run: {{{ $ geddit/controller.py geddit.db }}} You should see a log message pointing you to the URL where the application is being served, which is usually http://localhost:8080/. Visiting that page will respond with just the string “Geddit”, as that's what the `index()` method of the `Root` object returns. Note that we've configured !CherryPy to serve static files from the `geddit/media` directory. !CherryPy will complain that that directory does not exist, so create it, but leave it empty for now. We'll add static resources later on in the tutorial. == Rendering from a Genshi Template == So far the code doesn't actually use Genshi, or even any kind of templating. Let's change that.